Wednesday, 6 May 2009

How to set up Twitterfeed

Last week I wrote a post on a clever way to upload your blog posts directly to Twitter without having to do it manually. I originally set the system up using RSS feeds - which I outlined here...

I have however, found and even better and much more straightforward way of doing this - by using Twitterfeed.

Twitterfeed in essence scans your blog at regular intervals (hourly or daily) and then uploads a Tweet + tiny url of the post embedded within - leaving you to go off and do something else.

It's a very easy system to set up (put it this way, I managed to do it while having one eye on The Two Towers on the tube) and before you know it, you'll be tweeting remotely like the best of them!

There are two things to watch out for however:

1. The Twitterfeed home page, found here, is very temperamental and occasional doesn't work

2. It will make life so much easier if you have your Open ID to hand before you start the process (I had to go away and then set one up halfway through the Twitterfeed set up)

So there you have it - Twitterfeed, a really effective way of merging your blogging and twitter worlds.

Any questions, give me a shout - you can follow me on Twitter through the link on the left

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